Federal Trade Commission disposal rulehttp://www.ftc.gov/opa/2005/o6/disposal.htm

Federal Trade Commission FACTA privacy rights law: http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs6a-facta.htm

The treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service said they will issue regulations aimed at halting transactions with overseas companies designed to avoid U.S. Taxes. 

The regulations are intended to restrict tax benefits or "Triangular reorganizations" involving foreign corporations. Those "triangular reorganizations" can qualify for tax-free exchanges of stock.  Other transactions are designed to avoid tax on earnings of a company subsidiary returning to the U.S. or repatriating.

"The IRS and Treasury believe that the taxpayers' characterization of these transactions raises significant policy concerns," the agencies said in a notice.  Washington in October News.

Exchange Traded Funds resemble mutual funds.  The SEC rule requires the fund companies last year, to disclose whether fund managers hold stakes in funds they run. This information can generally be found in a fund's "statement of additional information," posted on a fund company's Web site.

To see the articles and links, click on the link below or cut and paste it into a Web browser.

Articles and Links

Securities and Exchange Commissionhttp://www.sec.gov
Final rulings: http://www.sec.gov/rules/final.shtml
Laws that govern the securities industry:  http://www.sec.gov/about/laws.shtml
Compliance reporting: http://www.sec.gov/rules/final/fr33-8644.pdf

Partnership for Prescription Assistance:  www.pparx.org

Molecular Biosystems:  http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/mb/News/latestissue.asp

Fighting Cancer News:  http://www.bu.edu/research/spotlight/2006/cancer.html

U.S. National Institute of Health Resource on Human Clinical Trials Status and News: 

National Science Foundation news:  New discoveries:  http://www.nsf.gov/discoveries/

Foundation web sites: 

http://www.foundations.org  www.cof.org  www.foundationcenter.org/findfunders
www.gatesfoundation.org   www.rockfound.org   www.internet-prospector.org/found.html   www.nsf.gov  http://www.nih.gov   www.hearstfdn.org  www.pgafoundations.com  www.servicemagic.com/foundations.10287.html

Nature Biotechnology Journal:  www.nature.com

Identity Theft:   www.info.com/identitytheft      Site: identitytheft 

 www.innocentive.com Charges client's (seeker's)  to broadcast scientific problems on a web site where scientists (solvers") are offered cash usually less than $100,000 for solutions; more than 50 challenges are now pending.

Entrepreneurial psychological profile test: www.startupjournal.com/sidebar/20020430-mancuso-quiz-doc.html

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Edge Foundation is to promote inquiry into and discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and literary issues, as well as to work for the intellectual and social achievement of society. www.edge.org

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